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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania city streets:
Planet Street
Santiago Street
Platt Avenue
Sarah Street
Plum Way
Sassafras Way
Plum Way
Saw Mill Run Boulevard / PA Route 51
Plummer Street
Saw Mill Run Boulevard / PA Route 51 / U.S. Route 19 Truck
Pocusset Street
Schafer Street
Poinsett Way
Schenley Drive
Point Breeze Court
Schenley Drive
Ponka Way
Sebring Avenue
Poplar Street
Seneca Street
Portman Avenue
Shadeland Avenue
Potomac Avenue
Shady Avenue
Powhattan Street
Shadyhill Road
PPG Place
Shakespeare Street
Preble Avenue
Shamokin Street
Pressley Street
Sharon Street
Primrose Street
Shelly Street
Princess Avenue
Sheridan Avenue
Progress Street
Sheridan Court
Prospect Street
Shiloh Street
Provost Road
Sidney Street
Proxim Way
Sierra Street
Pulawski Way
Silver Lake Drive
Quarry Street
Smallman Street
Rachel Carson Bridge
Smithfield Street
Railroad Street
South 10th Street
Raleigh Street
South 10th Street Steps
Ramp to I-376 EB & Exits 69B-C
South 12th Street
Range Way
South 13th Street
Ravoux Way
South 15th Street
Ray Avenue
South 15th Street Steps
Rectenwald Street
South 16th Street
Reddour Street
South 17th Street
Reed Street
South 18th Street
Reedsdale Street
South 19th Street
Regina Street
South 1st Street
Rentz Way
South 20th Street
Resaca Place
South 21st Street
Reynolds Street
South 22nd Street
Richland Lane (Private)
South 23rd Street
Ridge Avenue
South 24th Street
Rinne Street
South 25th Street
River Avenue
South 26th Street
Rivermont Drive
South 27th Street
Riverview Avenue
South 28th Street
Riverview Extension
South 3rd Street
Roberto Clemente Bridge
South 4th Street
Robinson Street
South 6th Street
Rockland Avenue
South 7th Street
Rohm Way
South 9th Street
Roland Street
South Aiken Avenue
Roscoe Street
South Atlantic Avenue
Roseberry Street
South Bellefield Avenue
Roselle Court
South Bouquet Street
Roslyn Place
South Braddock Avenue
Ross Avenue
South Busway
Ross Street
South Busway - Haberman Ramp
Roswell Drive
South Busway - Palm Garden Ramp
Rothman Street
South Busway - Pioneer Ramp
Roup Avenue
South Busway - West Liberty Ramp
Ruskin Avenue
South Commons
Rutherford Avenue
South Craig Street
Sacramento Avenue
South Dallas Avenue
Saint James Street
South Dithridge Street
Saint Joseph Way
South Euclid Avenue
Saint Martin Street
South Fairmount Street
Saint Patrick Street
South Graham Street
Saint Paul Street
South Highland Avenue
Saint Thomas Street
South Lexington Street
Saline Street
South Linden Avenue
Salisbury Street
South Main Street
Sampsonia Way
South Main Street / U.S. Route 60
Sanctus Street
South Main Street Connector
Sandusky Street
South Millvale Avenue
Sandwich Street
South Negley Avenue